File Name: level0
Name: _Generic_Loading_Scene
Description: Loading Screen
File Name: Name of the room in the game's data folder.
Name: Internal name of the room.
Description: Describing stuff about the scene.
Tags: Specific locations in the room which Alex can "teleport" to. For example, entering the Factory Hotel from the Overworld will teleport Alex to the "TagDefault" tag, which is located at the entrance of the Factory Hotel.
Comments: These are internal dev comments located somewhere in the scene.
The battle backgrounds are not listed. There is a seperate page for battle backgrounds.
File Name: level0
Name: _Generic_Loading_Scene
Description: Loading Screen
File Name: level1
Name: 0SceneZeroConfigurePlayer
Description: SEMI UNKNOWN. This is the first room the game loads up I believe. It's a blank screen.
File Name: level2
Name: 1TitleScreen
Description: Vaporwave title screen
File Name: level3
Name: AckkYsbrydLogos
Description: Logos displayed before title. Has a disabled warp to the 1.25 Golden Alpaca scene.
File Name: level4
Name: 0TestSceneForFrame0
Description: Strange debug room...
Tags: PhoneTag22, Default
File Name: level5
Name: Battle4
Description: Battle room. Loading into it manually causes a softlock.
File Name: UNKNOWN
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: 2LoadDataFromIniScene
Description: Load game screen.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Description: Destroys player and system related objects and loads the title screen. Used when you quit the game.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: 3GameOverScene_One
Description: Game over screen.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Description: Seems to be used for the Episode Prime demo. No real big differences found.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: OnismScene
Description: The computer in general. But mostly Onism.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: OnismScene_JapaneseVersion
Description: Same as previous, but a wider screen. Despite the name, works just fine in English, but is meant to be used for the Japanese translation.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: AlexNarrations
Description: Black void for Alex to monologue into. Also used for chapter names. MAYBE OTHER THINGS???
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: BeginningOfGameQuestionnaireScene
Description: Questionnaire section when you boot up a new game. Also the "select a controller type" scene, changing difficulty, content warning, and changing script settings.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Description: Cutscene where you ride an elevator. Loading screen transition
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: EnterThroughWindowCutsceneInFloor3OfFactory
Description: Short cutscene where Alex climbs a ladder and Dali escapes into anelevator.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: ElevatorInteriorCutScene_firstTimeEntered
Description: Cutscene where you ride an elevator, except Alex monologues. Indeed, it does vibrate with motion.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: LevelSelectWorld
Description: Debug room level select. Many things are disabled in here.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: PawnShop
Description: Located in Frankton. Holds a rare pog.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: SportsStore
Description: The Sports store! Can be accessed in Frankton and Flag Town.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: NewFranktonScene
Description: The Frankton we know and love.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: WindmillTrailScene
Description: "Windy Field" Windmill Trail Seen here
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: ForestFromFranktonScene
Description: Unused forest area. Camera seems pretty fucked. Seen here
Tags: Default, TagForestEntrance, TagForestExit
File Name: level24
Name: Overworld
Description: Self explanatory.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Description: Alex's house!
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: ExteriorFactoryScene
Description: The exterior of the Factory Hotel. Can change the palette of the area to resemble "broken reality." Entity can be toggled which follows Alex. Death cab location can be toggled.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: ElevatorSammyTakenByEntities
Description: Cutscene where Alex sees Sammy taken away.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: Enterance_Floor3New
Description: First room you get to explore when entering the factory. Creepy lighting. Out of bounds, there's a save station.
Tags: Default, PhoneTag
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: EnterThroughWindowCutsceneInFloor3OfFactory
Description: The cutscene that plays before entering Enterance_Floor3New.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: Factory_floorTwoSceneNew
Description: Many areas. Includes the giant pyramid and where you first find Panda.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: FactoryFloor4_3
Description: Large room. Contains a bunch of windows you can enter and some enemies. Another room where you solve a magic carpet puzzle.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: Floor4ExteriorSceneNew
Description: Fire escape. Starry background. Contains a DAX location.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: FloorB2_New
Description: Sammy's room. Still has the old version in it.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: DungeonOneHotelHallways
Description: Hallways in hotel where you find Dali and fight Wilhelm, plus eye puzzle. Camera can be weird, try going to 14.69 1.03 3.43 first.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: FactoryFloor1
Description: Hotel Lobby. Contains /OLD/ version hidden.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: FactoryBossLevel
Description: Fight against the first soul survivor. Contains LARGE unused variant within.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: EmptyFactoryBossLevel
Description: Doesn't contain a whole lot, but has a Music Manager. Some weird area to make the correct music play for the battle maybe? It might have something to do with the old boss location.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: LogoAndChapterOneCutsceneEnd
Description: Unused room. I believe it's loaded after the old intro plays. Goes to Frankton afterwards.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: FranktonShops
Description: Camera store. That seems to be it, despite the name.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: FranktonDeli
Description: Unused shop for Old Frankton.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: PizzaPasta
Description: Pizza Pasta. Found in Frankton and some other places
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: BurgerJoint
Description: Burger place, found in Strip Mall and some other places
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: ArcadeInteriorFranktonScene
Description: Arcade Interior
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: RecordStopShopScene
Description: Record Store. Found in Wind Town and some other places
File Name: level43
Name: SouthTown
Description: South Town! Has a chad location.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: screenshotSaturdayFrameMockupGrassField
Description: Small scene test. Has a level jump to "Factory_floorTwo" which doesn't exist. Seen here
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: BusInteriorTraveling
Description: Cutscene level when in the bus. Vella and Rory conversations.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: BusStopMiddleOfNowhere
Description: Self Explanatory. Contains "pretty woman" npc which I think is a PAX East exclusive.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: RoryHouseInterior
Description: Cutscene room. For Rory's room and the Mom cutscene.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: SewerWindTown
Description: Unused sewer dungeon room. Seen here
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: WindTown
Description: Self explanatory
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: EssentiaMedicalRoom
Description: Essentia dream cutscenes
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: SewerCrazyTreadmillScene
Description: Unused sewer dungeon room. Seen here
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: SewerWindTownNesPartOne
Description: First part of sewer dungeon
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: SewerWindTownNesPartTwo
Description: Second part of sewer dungeon, leads into Alpaca fight
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: SewerDescentScene
Description: Unused sewer dungeon room. Weird perspective. Seen here
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: SewerWindTownLongRoom
Description: Unused sewer dungeon room. Sewer ride. Seen here
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: SewerStrangeRoomAndEntityChapel
Description: Sewer dungeon, trippy sequence featuring "God"
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: SewerHairWhipPuzzle
Description: Unused sewer dungeon area. Visually pretty cool.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: SewerRaftPuzzle
Description: Unused sewer dungeon area. Lots of rafts to different "islands"
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: DungeonThreeVellasMind_Scene
Description: Main "hub" room for Vella's Mind Dungeon.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: DngnThreePianoKeyHall_Scene
Description: Vella's Mind Dungeon, couple of rooms like the piano + conductor area.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: InsideVellaHead
Description: Long hallway scene with many Vellas while the gang listens to Vella's music. A Distant Voice plays here.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: DngnThreePuzzleRoomsNeon
Description: Vella's Mind Dungeon, three button puzzle room. Contains an unused(?) puzzle area
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: DngnThreeMysticalUltimaLPLegendShrine_Scene
Description: End of Vella's Mind Dungeon. Long pathway where you get the LP.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: DngnThree_SammyKitchen_Scene
Description: Kitchen with Sammy and her mom.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: CaveExt_Demo
Description: Area right before entering the Cave dungeon. "Mountain Path"
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: FranktonMountain_RadioTower
Description: Self explanatory. Includes exterior and interior area.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: FlagShipRecordStopExterior
Description: Unused area, bus stop for flag town I guess.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: FlagShipRecordStoreInterior
Description: Special record shop only located in Flag Town.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: MountainPathPlusMarksHouse
Description: Cutscene where you talk with Mark about the LP.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: MountainTrailRadioTower
Description: Extremely different old verison of FranktonMountain_RadioTower. Contains a largehorizontal area with twocaves areas. A different interior as well.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: StripMallEastOfWindTown
Description: Strip Mall with Planet VHS
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: FlagTown_Beach
Description: Flag Town
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: MarksTown
Description: Mt. Town
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: MarksTown_Cave
Description: Cave Dungeon
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: TrainInteriorTraveling
Description: Cutscene for when you're in the train with Rory.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: TrainStationPlatform
Description: Area for a train station. You only visit here once.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: EssentiaMedicalRoom
Description: Duplicate of EssentiaMedicalRoom
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: FranktonEastMainStreet
Description: Part of Old Frankton, but not the ending. Seems to be the area that would've been loaded inafterWilfrid's final teleportation
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: FranktonParkAndPlayground
Description: Part of Old Frankton, but not the ending. Large park area.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: MindDungeonEntrance
Description: MAYBE NEEDS INVESTIGATION? I believe this is a "fake" mind dungeon meant for the scene where Essentia explains that Alex will bring destruction. Includes some odd invisible objects, like NYC people and "RoomOfChronicles"
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: RealityBrokenAlexStreet
Description: End of the world, crude drawings of Alex's home.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: BowlingAlley
Description: Bowling Alley where you fight the Flasher
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: EastonUniversity
Description: University with van location
File Name: level85
Name: EssentiaDungeon
Description: Early version of Essentia's dungeon
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: ForestMeadow
Description: Forest where you meet Proto-Michael
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: GasStationRt91
Description: Gas station with van location
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: MallForEssentia
Description: Giant mall with the actual Essentia location
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: TheEssentiaAwakens
Description: Cutscene where Essentia is first met
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: _WormholeTransitionToSceneDrWh
Description: Loading transition where it's a wormhole. Used often in Essentia dungeon
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: Dungeon4NESHorrorScene
Description: Main area of Essentia's dungeon
File Name: level92
Name: Dungeon4NES_IansPuzzles
Description: Some puzzles like the HUGE area where you skateboard
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: EssentiaDungeonCutscenes
Description: Weird area. Used for most cutscenes in the Essentia dungeon. Contains unused versions aswell.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: MindDungeonEntrance
Description: Duplicate entry
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: Reservoir
Description: Reservoir. Van location.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: WindTownWaterTower
Description: Water Tower. To the left of Carrie's grave. Sammy jumpscare (but removed?)
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: AlexHouseIsland
Description: Alex chillin' in the middle of the sea after his reality is destroyed. Removes a lot of shit offof you, butkeeps the broken record.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: ClaudioVanInterior
Description: End of world sequence, where the gang drives to park at NYC.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: NewYorkCity
Description: Some NYC areas, like where they eat food and enter the subway.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: NewYorkMicroOverworld
Description: Small overworld area of NYC. End of game.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: NewYorkOneTimesSquareScene
Description: The walk to Proto-Comet
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: PlayersHouse
Description: Refers to YOUR house. Alex tells you that he needs your help.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: ProtoAlex
Description: Final boss area. Fight four different Proto Alexes.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: MovementSoulSpaceMovementScene
Description: Exploring the soul space
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: SoulSpace
Description: Planet of Alexes. Somewhat misleading title.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: EssentiaHeadIntro
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: FollowVoices
Description: Alex's friends disappear while Machine and the Crow plays.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: DestroyedRealityEndingWorld
Description: Ending 3, cutscene where Alex meets up with Essentia to defeat Proto Ultima Alex.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: GasStationInterior
Description: Unused store
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: MichaelStreet
Description: Old Frankton not ending
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: ElmStreet
Description: Old Frankton not ending
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: EssentiaTutorialDungeon
Description: Was once a tutorial, now how you enter the 3rd and 4th endings.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: EssentiaTutorialDungeonCollidersOnly
Description: Weird. I assume this was supposed to be loaded on top of the previous scene,but it doesn'tseem to? Otherwise it's just collisions
Comments: This is the frame that the EssentiaTutorialDungeon jumps to after you get into a battle it needs to do this top avoid cloning the essentia...
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: emptyMindDungeonReturnFrame
Description: UNKNOWN. Maybe it's when you exit the Mind Dungeon?
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: MindDungeonTrueMindDungeon
Description: The level up mind dungeon where you can spend EXP on CHARACTER UPGRADES! Most objectsaren't stored in this room. Rather they're in DontDestroyOnLoad/0GlobalPlayerManager/Mind Dungeon (ALL)
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: TestSceneBossRoom_deleteMe
Description: Unused room. Seems to be an earlier version of the old shit located inFactoryBossLevel
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: BossBattleScene
Description: Debug room which contains some bosses. In order of appearance: Mysterious Vella (Wilhelm music),Uzu 1, Uzu 2,Proto Comet (Fat Alex music), TV Alex, Lazy Alex, Alex of Pretense (Fat Alex music), Flasher (Fat Alex music), and Ultima Alex.UltimaAlex appears to be the INBATTLE verison rather an encounter. Camera is weird because of the ProtoUltimaAlex object.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: InsideAlexHead
Description: Alex council room; Robed Alexes surround Alex while he debates why he said such mean shit duringthe "NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR SISTER!!!" scene. Unused shit in the background, like a giant Panda and Krow (with many frames)
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: CharacterPortraitTestScene
Description: ??????????????????????????
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: AlexBackyardScene
Description: Unused backyard.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: SaveLoadSlotWindowTestScene
Description: Debug room? Early version of loading screen. Colours are a bit odd, reminds me of theOld Franktonvideo.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: EnemyMovementTestscene
Description: Debug room. In the back is the oldest YIIK title screen.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: 0AllEnemyEncountersDesignRoom
Description: Debug room. Quite a lot of shit here, including a "level up graph" MAKE A WRITEUPMAYBE?
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: MonsterDenOne
Description: Despite what the name implies, this is all of the monster dens.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: MeetSammyBeforeFinale
Description: Spectre Sammy cutscene before heading to Proto-Alex's area.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: FinalSceneWorld
Description: Ending 1, area where you meet Essentia 995 and Proto-Alex. Contains Two Brothers Heaven.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: TitleCards
Description: Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 screens.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: InternetCafe
Description: Self explanatory
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: KNN_Building
Description: KNN interior and exterior
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: CreditsFalseEnding
Description: Used for the "joke" endings. Credits used is an earlier version. Essentia and Marlene appear!
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: Credits
Description: Self explanatory
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: SwitchLanguageScene
Description: Lets you change your language. I'm not sure how to access it? Goes to AlexNarrations scenewhen you choose.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: DemoPaxEast2015Introduction
Description: Shortcut room which allows you to choose which area to go. Seemed to be broken for me
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: EndOfDemoScene
Description: Scene used at the end of a demo. Pressing a button will return to title screen. THERE IS A DISABLED OBJECT HERE. INVESTIGATE IT.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: CapeJunoFishingTown
Description: Demo level made for PAX East. https://youtu.beLFsd9rDMISM
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: 69References
Description: References screen.
File Name: level161
Name: FranktonMainStreet
Description: Beta Frankton ending, third area of Beta Frankton. You can get Dali to spawn here to start what would've been Chapter 1.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: AlexesStreet
Description: Beta Frankton ending, second area of Beta Frankton.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: Maplestreet
Description: Beta Frankton ending, first area in Beta Frankton.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: GihertExhalt69
Description: Beta Frankton ending, final boss room.
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: 70PosScript
Description: Beta Frankton ending, Alex's speech
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: BusIntroCutscene
Description: The unused early version of the intro where Alex goes on an epic journey back home (on a bus).
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: DialogueScrubber2020Test
Description: UNKNOWN. Has a disabled menu of the different script options for the game, but doesn'tseem to work. Hasa disabled Sammy dialogue thing which... softlocks when activated?
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: EmptySceneTest2020
Description: Debug room. Very bare, contains some internal info on screen. Contains a door which leads to Sammy's room. (FloorB2_New)
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: CloudSaves
Description: Some debug room to test saving I guess? It doesn't seem to work. Maybe XBOX related?
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: SewerEntityAndAlpaca2020
Description: Revamped cutscene for the Golden Alpaca
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: SewerNES_2020_PartThree
Description: Darkened version of sewer after defeating Alpaca
File Name: UNKNOWN
Name: ChristmasCardHiddenScene
Description: Screen of the cast posing for a Christmas picture.